The sun started to set over the Parramatta River as I waited for the ferry. I had just found a place to live for the next year.
This represents a big change for me. For several years, I have referred to myself as a nomad who likes to nest. Traveling the world, going from house sit to house sit. And now, with current travel restrictions in place, I will be focused a bit more on the nesting part.
There is a swirl of emotions around labels or routines. Grief is present around letting go of some that have come to define you, even if only temporarily. And excitement and curiosity are present around the idea of new labels and new routines.
There is part of me that has a hard time letting go, and yet, one thing that always drove my travels was a thirst of curiosity for what’s around the next corner. I still wonder what’s around the next corner.
What labels are changing for you?