community profile: natasha patel
We’re so pleased to introduce you to another member of our massively cool community of Bacana clients. Welcome to Natasha Patel! Introduce yourself. I'm a career counselor, writer and teacher.…
We’re so pleased to introduce you to another member of our massively cool community of Bacana clients. Welcome to Natasha Patel! Introduce yourself. I'm a career counselor, writer and teacher.…
My friend Michelle took this photo of one of the ewes in her flock with her 2 lambs. The ewe is quite literally protecting and supporting her children. It’s the…
My Gramma planted flowers and colorful bushes along the front and sides of her house in rural North Dakota. She’d monitor their blooms carefully and eagerly. When the blooms finally…
"You have to walk toward the things that make you alive." – Leslie Odom, Jr. I love this as a new barometer. Each of us on a daily basis faces…
Friends of mine in Louisville – my hometown – recently bought a house that, 50 years ago, had been rented as duplex apartments. Serendipitously, my uncle was a tenant on…
“Let it go.” – Elsa, Frozen As I’m writing this, I’m preparing for a period later in the year during which I will be feeding my nomadic self (aka, more…
“In order to see birds, it is necessary to become a part of the silence.” – Robert Lynd When I see a bird out my window, perched on the deck…
“Who we are matters immeasurably more than what we know or who we want to be.” – Brené Brown, Daring Greatly My life at the moment is full of questions.…
“Laughter can bring a new perspective.” – Christopher Durang I grew up around a lot of laughter. My parents are rather hilarious and so are my sibs. Wit and whimsy…
Every now and again, I’ll be walking along, and some random object will strike me. On this particular day in Oxford, the object was this door. It’s just really, really…