Bacana Notions is the name of our short ‘n sweet weekly blog. We aspire to have each Notion in some way capture the essence of the Bacana vision statement.
no·tion noun \ˈnō-shən\ an impression, a concept, a theory, a whim, or a belief held by a person or group
A Bacana Notion could spark a new thought or give you a grin in the middle of a long day. It may even provide you with that helpful advice you’ve been waiting for.
not quite blending in
What happens when you’re built for camouflage, but you’re out of your normal habitat? You know, the one where your camouflage works so that you
Like most everyone, I have moments of feeling stir-crazy during this time of “sheltering in place”. One evening, I was reading a history book for
you don’t have a leg to stand on
Some birds tuck a leg up when it’s time to rest, letting one leg take all the weight while the one tucked up gets a
guessing what
As a kid, whenever I shared really cool information, I prefaced it with “guess what”. It may be a juvenile colloquialism, but it still comes
the cycle of the milky eyes
It’s common knowledge that snakes shed their skin. What might be less widely known is that part of that skin includes clear scales over the
sweet as candy
As a kid raised on Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, I had respect and fascination for the postal worker who delivered our mail. We had a ritual