Bacana Notions is the name of our short ‘n sweet weekly blog. We aspire to have each Notion in some way capture the essence of the Bacana vision statement.
no·tion noun \ˈnō-shən\ an impression, a concept, a theory, a whim, or a belief held by a person or group
A Bacana Notion could spark a new thought or give you a grin in the middle of a long day. It may even provide you with that helpful advice you’ve been waiting for.
words matter
“I’m a firm believer that language and how we use language determines how we act, and how we act then determines our lives and other
shoes off
Since moving to California a few years ago, my entire home has been on ground level and, when I’m at home, I am almost always
do you hear that?
“To be a smart person in Wiradjuri is to sit down & listen.”— Jonathan Jones In the Wiradjuri language, one of the many Aboriginal languages
the comfort of the familiar
In a year with so much strangeness and newness and upheaval, the sight of something familiar can be a comfort. I’ve got my eye out
time to throw the water balloon
In May, I moved into an apartment in Sydney. On the top shelf of the bathroom cupboard, I found a small water balloon. There are
a needed reminder
“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”– Helen Keller Whether I’m reading the news, worrying about